Tuesday, January 20, 2009

No new tire (YET)

I didn't achieve my goal today (of getting a new tire on my pickup). I went out about 10:oo this morning to take off the old one. I jacked up the pickup and removed the lug nuts. That is where the fun began.

I pulled, tugged, hammered, and pried - trying to get the wheel off. After two trips to Mt. Pleasant to try different ideas and drowning the hub with WD40, I went to Burlington and bought an eight pound sledge hammer and finally was able to get it knocked off...just about the same time Mt.Pleasant Tire was closing for the day. I DO have it ready to go the first thing in the morning!


Susie Schulte said...

I shared your blogspot address with Connie, so she'll be looking in from time to time. You're doing a great job with your posts, Charlie. As I said before, you are full of information and interesting thoughts. I don't think I mentioned earlier that I had never heard of the term "five card Charlie" until reading your blog! I'm learning so much! YaHoooo!

SaNdY said...

Good luck with getting that new tire!! :D

Charlie said...

I'll be honest - I hadn't either till I learned it from Mike. (I'm being corrupted by my son-in-law) :)