Saturday, August 29, 2009


The old 1936 Case R C that my dad bought at Charlie Hine's auction - and Mom gave to Gerald and Molly after Dad's death, Gerald Restored has won "Best restored tractor" at Memphis, Mo. Antique Days. To win it ONCE is great, but two years in a row - I don't think that has happened before!
I was given the privelege of driving it in the Parade. And was able to give a little history to people that asked about it. The things that had been added since it's manufacture, what it looked like when Gerald aquired it, etc. And on a personal level the times I used to romp over out pasture with it when I was a young man (Many MANY years ago). Another note of intrest Dad was working for Charlie driving that tractor plowing Dec. 7, 1942, And was told of the attack on Pearl Harbor when he arrived at the house that evening.
I'm gonna sign off, and head to 34 raceway! right after I plug in my cell phone - It just started beeping at me - Low Battery!


Kelly said... really DO live in iowa! ha ha! :D

Charlie said...

Shore 'nuff