Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I DO! . . . there's a story behind that. My old refrigerator has been giving me fits. It would "frost up" (it was supposed to be frost free) and at maximum setting I could get the freezer down to 27 to 34 degrees. So after numerous times defrosting and trying various other things, I finally gave in and bought a new one yesterday. I went to burlington and picked one up thinking it wouldn't be that bad to change them out - WRONG - since Linda and I bought the old one, Jeff and I replaced the front door. This one is taller but obviously narrower. I couldn't get the old one out without removing, not only the door but one side of the door frame! I finally got the old one out. I then got Caleb and Josh (a friend of Cale's) to help me move the new one in, and found out it was about 1/2 inch to tall to fit under the 'over frig cubbard'. So today was spent "remodeling" and replacing the door and door frame (last night the door was 'leaned' into place!) BUT now I can keep milk without it souring! I don't normally use that much milk but when you can't keep it, You seem to need milk for about anything want to cook.
So, about the first thing done after getting the house 'put back together' was go to Hy Vee and buy some milk and had a bowl of cerial.

Other than that, there's not been much noteworthy going on around here, I went down to Molly's sunday and attended church with her. I had kind of intended on going on down to Cherry Box, Missouri. (another HUGE Mo. city) and visit my aunt. But I visited with Molly and Gerald too long and plainly didn't have time to go on down there.
My late uncle used to say "Cherry Box has two streets, Main and Plumb. If you miss main street - you're plumb out of town!"


Linda ★ Parker's General said...

everybody loves a new fridge--no matter how much work it is getting it in. mike mowed a couploe empty lots in rome with a walk behind weed cutter monday and keith put down the forms for a sidewalk under the gate today. big news---you missed meeting mya. we tried several times to call. so did mallory.. you gotta get the home phone working!

Susie Schulte said...

Never a dull moment at your place! I hope our refrigerator lasts as long as we do! Two reasons: First, I don't even want to think about the work of moving the old out and putting a new in! Secondly, I've seen the price tags on refrigerators! Man! If you go by cost per square foot, I think a house is cheaper! It's the one appliance I wouldn't want to go without though.