Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I've been running up and down the roads lately - Friday I went to Chicago and spent the night with Mike and Cindi and spent a DELIGHTFUL day with Lyric, Cindi, and Mike saturday. If anyone doesn't know - I love that little girl dearly! She is the sweetest little girl, I've run across in a LONG time! I arrived home about 1:20 Sunday morning, Checked my Emails and had one from my cousin's husband, updating me on Faith's progress (she recently had breast cancer surgery). I printed that out and went to Molly and Gerald's sunday to keep Molly updated. I learned that Gerald was to go to Columbia today to have a cardiac cath. done ( he's been having some angina pain lately) He had a 5 way bypass a few years ago. Today, Heatilator had their 'Holiday Dinner' for employees and retirees. I went to that, more to visit with the people than for the dinner (it wasn't bad either) but I spent about 4 hours wandering around the plant visiting with people. This evening I took the new puppy to Mike and Linda's to have it's picture taken and Emailed to Lyric's Mother (possible future owner) The puppy has a little blue in each eye but they are primarily brown. She is black and tan! When I left Friday she didn't have her eyes open yet when got home Sunday both eyes were open.
That's about as much as I know (or even suspect) for now. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL!


Susie Schulte said...

Sounds like you've been busier than we have! As you can imagine, we're working at harvest whenever possible. It's sure been a wet year! I wonder if we'll get a lot of snow through the winter.
Do you think Lyric is going to get a puppy for Christmas?

Charlie said...

Not as a Christmas gift but the timeline is about right for the puppy to be ready to go to a new home. That is still subject to Sarah and Lyric's approval. I haven't heard from them since Linda Emailed the pictures.